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Fieke Peijs, Consultant

Fleet Review

Organisational assessment

Your professional arena is ever changing, and your organisation is required to move according the developments. Are your employees equipped? Do you want to obtain a clear image of overall performance, competences and points for development? Or do you want to know what the status quo of employees on a certain aspect of the business is? Then AVOP swiftly offers a structured transparent overview through a fleet inspection.

Exploratory conversation?

What does it bring?

A fleet inspection is a snapshot investigation of the (whole) organisation. You will be able to identify  where employees are, in relation to the desired (new) skills and competences. Based on the personal input of the manager, progress review conversations of HR and imaging of other liaisons, we provide a clear picture of the most relevant competences that employees possess.

  • Culture intervention to further feedback behaviour amongst managers
  • Insight into the overall performance of employees
  • Discussion platform for managers
  • Insight into the performance of the organisation related to the desired competences

Why Avop?

What Avop can do for your organisation

For years, AVOP facilitates managers, HR-professionals and policy makers in acquiring a solid insight into the organisation. We have an eye for both the management- and the personal dimensions. The fleet inspection is a quick and reliable tool to measure both the performance and the satisfaction of employees, through offering a structure in which the own frame of reference of the managers is used.

  • Goal-oriented collaboration with your organisation
  • Structure for enlightening discussions
  • Professional guidance, with attention to people and organisation
  • Themes are determined beforehand, in collaboration

Interested? Call (020) 615 54 56 or mail to info@avop.nl

How do we work?

AVOP combines the collective knowledge and expertise and current visions of managers in order to obtain a precise image of your organisation. Based on these, we develop a work structure and we facilitate the process of mapping all present competences. The desired (future) competences will be determined by you. In order to safeguard this process, a clear intake is vital, to ensure that everyone knows what subjects are in focus

  • Intake to determine goals
  • Development of a format and working model
  • Involvement of key employees to fine-tune the process
  • Time commitment of 1 to 2 working days, depending on the scope of the research
  • Preparation of a fleet review report
  • Feedback session with those involved